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You choose your holiday destination. You choose books you want to read or films you want to watch. You choose friends and places you want to spend time in (a cinema, a restaurant or a club).

Every choice starts from a thought: I’m tired- so I will go to sleep. Some people say: I’m tired and stressed so I will ride a bike or relax  exercising. After a thought comes some feeling or emotion and then you act. A few years ago I thought that I want to change some areas of my life. I was not satisfied with my situation. This thought: „I  want to change something” made me feel excited and happy and hopeful that my situation will get better.
The most difficult and key part was action. Do or not to do something ?- that was the question. Fear and excitement mixed and I wanted to do something but didn’t know what. Have you ever felt like that ?

You know it would be good to do something but you have no idea what is the right choice, what would be good way to follow. And then I chose one way which seemed the best at that time and all the rest fell into the right place. Many choices and many moments of difficult decisions- but it was worth it. Wise choices, choices not made by others but our own ones from the bottom of our hearts.

I must say that there were a few decisions when I was a child made by my parents and the best was to teach me English.  At that time when I was a child not many people learnt languages, it was not too popular but my parents decided ( wise decision) that I will study English.

Now thanks to their push, I have so much freedom and more chances to develop myself. Chances to travel easily, to meet people, to read, watch or listen to foreign materials on the Internet. Isn’t it great when you fell stress free when confronted with foreigners.

I believe your choice is also to give yourself this amazing freedom of knowing English and being able to communicate. What a life when a language is a helper not a limitation.

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